We would like to offer a dedicated legal service for HoReCa market. Our lawyers can support the operations of your hotels and catering companies on each stage of business operations – from the beginning until the closure. We relate to this industry for several years; hence we understand she characteristics of potential issues.
Legal services for HoReCa market at the early stage of operations
While beginning the business operations, it’s essential to select a solid partner. Our knowledge can help to avoid costly mistakes and will save a significant amount of money. It is important to consult the lawyer on the proper form of business operations. We will help you to choose the correct form of commercial company or even a self-employment. We will prepare the content of legal entity contract, required acts and we will submit a registration application on your behalf.
According to the needs of our Clients, we can provide a support at each stage of initial proceedings required to gain necessary licences and permits. We can support you during the approvals of establishment by proper authorities. We can provide a pack of contracts required to start a save business operations – rental agreement, employment contract, vendor and subcontractor agreement, catering provider contract, work regulation and regulation of the provided service.
Legal services for HoReCa during the business operation
Support in crisis is the key aspect of lawyer’s work. Obviously, we wish our clients that they will avoid it whenever possible. If this was not possible, we can offer our professional services. We can collect the debts from the unreliable contractor, resolve employment disputes, represent in front of court or authorities, we will claim the repay for the damages and protect the image of the business owner.
Legal services for HoReCa during the closing of the business
Closing of business operations is the least attractive part of a business company. In this area, we can protect legal and financial interests of natural person – ex business owner, board member, partner. Depending on the reasons of closure, we will support the liquidation or bankruptcy.
Significant changes in the business are often related to the succession. We support the succession planning and implementation. If the current form of business is not the most efficient one, we can support the business transformation.
Services offered for HoReCa market:
Company Law:
- Advice on selection of company’s form
- Preparing company’s contract
- Registration
- Business transformation
- Business liquidation
- Preparation of extraordinary and ordinary Annual General Meeting
- Ongoing support
- Preparation and negotiation of contract content for:
- Rental contracts
- B2B Employment
- Organization of events
- Sales contracts
- Vendor contracts
- Service providers contracts
- Construction and renovating contracts
- Preparation and review of contest regulations
- Preparation and review of managerial contracts
- Preparation and review of lease contracts
Bankruptcy and Restructuring Law:
- Reporting of claims in debtors’ insolvency proceedings
- Supervision of bankruptcy and restructuring proceedings of debtors
- Submission of applications for the opening of insolvency proceedings
- Initiating restructuring proceedings
- Advising on bankruptcy and restructuring proceedings
Real estate law:
- Real estate due diligence – investment risk analysis
- Giving opinions on real estate sale contracts
- Issuing opinions on perpetual usufruct contracts
- Proceedings to determine the amount of the fee for perpetual usufruct
- Construction, expansion, renovation
- Protection of the interests of the property owner / tenant
Debt Collection:
- Amicable debt collection
- Skip tracing
- Court proceedings for payment
- Bailiff enforcement
- Proceedings against members of the management board
- Actio Pauliana
- Criminal proceedings
- Protection against unjustified debt collection
Labour law:
- Job contract
- Work regulations
- Loyalty programs
- Disputes with employees
- Representation by the labour inspection
- Representation before the Social Insurance Institution
- Work permit for foreigners
- GDPR audit
- GDPR implementation
- Creating regulations
- Creating and reviewing contracts
- Representation in front of the authorities
Unfair competition:
- Civil proceedings in the field of acts of unfair competition
- Patent protection
- Trademark protection
- Protection of other intangible goods (know-how, names, graphics, logos, photos, films)
- Due to damage done by customers
- For damage caused by tenants
- For damage caused by employees
- Due to improper performance of the contract
- From the insurer
Administrative law:
- Decisions, permits and concessions
- Alcohol, mass events, putting into use
- Aid measures
- Business restrictions: current legal status, avoidance options, damage caused
- Safe hotel, safe SPA, safe restaurant
- With administrative bodies
- With neighbours
- With contracting parties
- For tort
- Health & Safety
- Trade inspection
- Veterinary inspection
- Work inspection
- Tax office
- Community
- Voivode
- Restorer
- Office of measures
- Customs House
- Technical inspection authority
- Legal audit of the company,
- Support in creating a franchise network
- Monitoring of changes in the law
- E-commerce
- Development financing: funds, bonds, stock exchange
- Brand and reputation protection
- Succession
- Hospitality Law