
High pace, efficiency and a modern approach to each case.

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High pace, efficiency and a modern approach to each case.

Inlegis Legal Services has many years of experiences and proven track of successes in the law industry.

Based on our extensive knowledge and long-time practice of our team, we have created a “Philosophy Lawyer 4.0”. In our work we always follow the latest market trends, and we use the newest and most innovative digital tools. 

This stands for the full professionalism and dedication, highest possible quality of services, guarantee of success and additional values for our Clients:

  • Full transparency on the progress of our work
  • Process optimization with the latest available systems
  • Continuous quality improvement in line with the Total Quality Management principles

Inlegis Legal Services constantly strengthen the position on the law services market, by establishing new connections and expanding the scope of services. Thanks to our team of qualified professionals with long-time experience in the industry we can offer a comprehensive service for both, business and individual clients. Extended network of our law professionals, attorneys, debt collectors and notaries guarantee the highest possible quality of service that meets expectations of our Clients. We are driven by the three main values: speed, effectiveness and modernity. 

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Pozostańmy w kontakcie.
Zostaw swój adres e-mail i otrzymuj miesięczne podsumowanie bieżących wydarzeń i zmian prawnych.
Our Team

Meet our team of qualified lawyers and legal counsel with many years of professional experience in the industry

Mirosław Ochojski

Mirosław Ochojski

Shareholder/Representative (pl. Prokurent)

Malwina Kołodziej

Shareholder/Legal Counsel

Joanna Nogala

Joanna Nogala

Shareholder/Legal Counsel

Małgorzata Szymańska-Pałamarz

Legal Counsel

Jakub Klimowicz

Jakub Klimowicz
